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Click here if you are interested in any of the publications listed below. - A. Franco, D. Maio and F. Turroni, "Spatio-temporal keypoints for video-based face recognition", in proceedings 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR14), Stockholm, pp.489-494, August 2014.
Abstract - S. Buoncompagni, A. Franco and D. Maio, "Shape features for candidate photo selection in sketch recognition", in proceedings 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR14), Stockholm, pp.1728-1733, August 2014.
Abstract - M. Ferrara, D. Maltoni and R. Cappelli, "A Simple and Effective Two-Factor Protection Scheme for MCC Fingerprint Templates", Technical Report, Biometric System Lab - University of Bologna, April 2014.
Abstract - A. Morales, R. Cappelli, M.A. Ferrer and D. Maltoni, "Synthesis and Evaluation of High Resolution Hand-Prints", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.9, no.11, pp.1922-1932, November 2014.
Abstract - M. Ferrara, A. Franco and D. Maltoni, "The Magic Passport", in proceedings International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Clearwater, Florida, USA, pp.1-7, October 2014.
Abstract - M. Ferrara, A. Franco and D. Maio, "On the use of the Kinect sensor for human identification in smart environments", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, vol.6, no.4, pp.435-446, July 2014.
Abstract - L. Nanni, A. Lumini, F. Dominio and P. Zanuttigh, "Effective and precise face detection based on color and depth data", Applied Computing and Informatics, vol.10, no.1-2, pp.1-13, January 2014.
Abstract - J. Galbally, J. Fierrez-Aguilar, J. Ortega-Garcia and R. Cappelli, "Fingerprint Anti-spoofing in Biometric Systems", in Marcel, Sébastien, Nixon, Mark S., Li, Stan Z. (Eds), Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing, Springer, 2014.
Abstract - M. Ferrara, D. Maltoni and R. Cappelli, "A Two-Factor Protection Scheme for MCC Fingerprint Templates", in proceedings International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, September 2014.
Abstract - M. Ferrara, A. Franco, D. Maio and D. Maltoni, "FICV: a new FVC-onGoing benchmark area on Face Compliance Verification to ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard", EAB Newsletter, no.1, pp.15-17, April 2014.