Welcome to BioLab 06/02/2025 17:06

"Biometric Systems are automated methods of verifying or recognizing the identity of a living person on the basis of some physiological characteristics, like a fingerprint or iris pattern, or some aspects of behavior, like handwriting or keystroke patterns"

The Biometric System Laboratory is active at the University of Bologna since 1993 and is supported by DISI (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) and Computer Science and Engineering degree program (Cesena). The main research efforts are devoted to fingerprint and face recognition and to performance evaluation of biometric systems. Collaborations with industrial partners ensure that the research activities are linked to real applications.


Ingegneria e Scienze Informatiche - Università di Bologna
via dell'Università, 50 - 47522 - Cesena (FC) - ITALY


22nd Int.l Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication 

BIOMETRICS in the Generative AI era
Alghero, Italy - June 2-6 2025
For the past 21 years this international Summer School provided and active and dynamic forum to closely follow the most recent developments in science and technology to offer a cutting edge, intensive training course, always up to date with the current state-of-the-art. This year's main topic will be the impact of generative AI on the development and deployment of biometrics in different application domains. The courses will provide a clear and in-depth picture on the state-of-the-art in biometric verification/identification technology, both under the theoretical and scientific point of view as well as in diverse application domains. The lectures will be given by 18 outstanding experts in the field, from both academia and industry. Open sessions will be organised with questions and answers moderated by leading experts in the field.

Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (Third Edition)

D. Maltoni, D. Maio, A. K. Jain, J. Feng

MCC SDK v2.0 is now freely available for research purposes

MCC SDK is a .Net DLL library that enables to develop fingerprint verification applications using the Minutia Cylinder-Code (MCC) algorithm.

SFinGe: The Synthetic Fingerprint Generator

The demo version of SFinGe v5.0 can be freely downloaded.

Minutia Cylinder-Code (MCC)

A new representation and matching technique for fingerprint recognition was developed and patented: Minutia Cylinder-Code (MCC). The new method is extremely fast and very accurate: it can be implemented even on very light architectures and can perform about 7 million comparisons per second on a low-cost PC.

FVC-onGoing: On-Line Evaluation of Fingerprint Recognition Algorithms

FVC-onGoing is the latest evolution of FVC: the international Fingerprint Verification Competitions organized in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.
FVC-onGoing is an innovative web-based automated evaluation system for fingerprint recognition algorithms.
Tests are carried out on a set of sequestered datasets and results are reported on-line by using well known performance indicators and metrics.
Academic Research Groups, Companies and independent developers are kindly invited to register and submit algorithms to FVC-onGoing.

Scanner Quality

BioLab introduced a new operational definition of fingerprint scanner quality.

Quaderni CNIPA sulla Biometria (Italian language)

Materiale introduttivo sui Sistemi Biometrici e il loro impiego nella Pubblica Amministrazione, alla cui redazione hanno partecipato membri del laboratorio:
Quaderno 9, Quaderno 15 e Quaderno 17.

Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation

J. Wayman, A.K. Jain, D. Maltoni, D. Maio (Editors)
Springer, New York, 2005.

Copyright © 2025 Biometric System Laboratory