Welcome to BioLab 08/09/2024 01:36

Click here if you are interested in any of the publications listed below.

  • N. Di Domenico, G. Borghi, A. Franco and D. Maltoni, "ONOT: a High-Quality ICAO-compliant Synthetic Mugshot Dataset", in proceedings 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG24), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2024. Abstract
  • N. Di Domenico, G. Borghi, A. Franco and D. Maltoni, "Face Restoration for Morphed Images Retouching", in proceedings 12th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 24 (IWBF), Enschede, Netherlands, April 2024. Abstract
  • M. R. Prasad, A. Makrushin, M. Ferrara, C. Kraetzer and J. Dittmann, "GAN-based Minutiae-driven Fingerprint Morphing", in proceedings ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec), Baiona, Spain, June 2024. Abstract

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