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The first international competition for fingerprint verification algorithms (FVC2000) was organized in the year 2000. The great success of the event prompted the organizers to set up similar competitions in the following years: FVC2002, FVC2004 and FVC2006. Beginning with FVC2002, to increase the number of companies and therefore to provide a more complete overview of the state-of-the-art, anonymous participation was allowed. The interest shown in the FVC testing program by algorithm developers is steadily increasing: in the fourth edition (FVC2006), a total of 70 algorithms have been evaluated by the organizers. FVC databases are nowadays the most widely adopted benchmarks for fingerprint recognition.

(Click here if you are interested in any of the publications below)

D. Maltoni, D. Maio, A.K. Jain and J. Feng, Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (Third Edition), Springer Nature, 2022.

M. Ferrara, Biometric Fingerprint Recognition Systems, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010.

D. Maltoni, D. Maio, A.K. Jain and S. Prabhakar, Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (Second Edition), Springer (London), 2009.

D. Maio, D. Maltoni, R. Cappelli, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain, "Technology Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Algorithms", in J.L. Wayman, A.K. Jain, D. Maltoni, D. Maio, Biometric Systems - Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation, Springer, 2005. Abstract

M. Ferrara, A. Franco, D. Maio and D. Maltoni, "FICV: a new FVC-onGoing benchmark area on Face Compliance Verification to ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard", EAB Newsletter, no.1, pp.15-17, April 2014.

R. Cappelli, M. Ferrara, A. Franco and D. Maltoni, "Fingerprint verification competition 2006", Biometric Technology Today, vol.15, no.7-8, pp.7-9, August 2007. Abstract

R. Cappelli, D. Maio, D. Maltoni, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain, "Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Systems", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, vol.28, no.1, pp.3-18, January 2006. Abstract

D. Maio, D. Maltoni, R. Cappelli, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain, "FVC2000: Fingerprint Verification Competition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, vol.24, no.3, pp.402-412, March 2002. Abstract

R. Cappelli, M. Ferrara, D. Maltoni and F. Turroni, "Fingerprint Verification Competition at IJCB2011", in proceedings International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB11), Washington DC, October 2011. Abstract

R. Cappelli, M. Ferrara, D. Maltoni and M. Tistarelli, "MCC: a Baseline Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification in FVC-onGoing", in proceedings 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, December 2010. Abstract

B. Dorizzi, R. Cappelli, M. Ferrara, D. Maio, D. Maltoni, N. Houmani, S. Garcia-Salicetti and A. Mayoue, "Fingerprint and On-Line Signature Verification Competitions at ICB 2009", in proceedings International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Alghero, Italy, pp.725-732, June 2009. Abstract

R. Cappelli, D. Maio and D. Maltoni, "Technology Evaluations of Fingerprint-Based Biometric Systems", in proceedings 12th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2004), Vienna, Austria, pp.1405-1408, September 2004. Invited paper. Abstract

D. Maio, D. Maltoni, R. Cappelli, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain, "FVC2004: Third Fingerprint Verification Competition", in proceedings International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA04), Hong Kong, pp.1-7, July 2004. Abstract

R. Cappelli, "FVC: Fingerprint Verification Competitions", in proceedings Second BSI-Symposium on Biometrics 2004, Darmstadt (Germany), pp.56-63, March 2004. Abstract

D. Maio, D. Maltoni, R. Cappelli, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain, "FVC2002: Second Fingerprint Verification Competition", in proceedings 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2002), Québec City, vol.3, pp.811-814, August 2002. Abstract

D. Maio, D. Maltoni, R. Cappelli, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain, "FVC2000: Fingerprint Verification Competition", Technical Report, DEIS - University of Bologna, September 2000. Abstract

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