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Biometric Encryption

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  (Not available) L. Nanni and A. Lumini, "Cancellable Biometrics: Problems and Solutions for Improving Accuracy", in Harvey Schuster and Wilfred Metzger, Biometrics: Methods, Applications and Analyses, Nova Publishers, 2010. Abstract

  M. Ferrara, D. Maltoni and R. Cappelli, "Noninvertible Minutia Cylinder-Code Representation", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.7, no.6, pp.1727-1737, December 2012. Abstract

  (Not available) L. Nanni, S. Brahnam and A. Lumini, "Biohashing applied to an orientation-based minutia descriptor for a secure fingerprint authentication system", IET Electronics Letters, vol.47, no.15, pp.851-853, July 2011. Abstract

  L. Nanni and A. Lumini, "Local Binary Patterns for a hybrid fingerprint matcher", Pattern Recognition, vol.41, no.11, pp.3461-3466, November 2008. Abstract

  L. Nanni and A. Lumini, "A multi-modal method based on the competitors of FVC2004 and on Palm data combined with tokenised random numbers", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.29, no.9, pp.1344-1350, July 2008. Abstract

  L. Nanni and A. Lumini, "Random Subspace for an improved BioHashing for Face authentication", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.29, no.3, pp.295-300, February 2008. Abstract

  A. Lumini and L. Nanni, "An improved BioHashing for human authentication", Pattern Recognition, vol.40, no.3, pp.1057-1065, March 2007. Abstract

  (Not available) L. Nanni, "An advanced multi-matcher method for on-line signature verification featuring global features and tokenised random numbers", NeuroComputing, vol.69, no.16, pp.2402-2406, October 2006. Abstract

  (Not available) A. Lumini and L. Nanni, "Empirical Tests on BioHashing", NeuroComputing, vol.69, no.16, pp.2390-2395, October 2006. Abstract

  A. Lumini and L. Nanni, "An advanced multi-modal method for human authentication featuring biometrics data and tokenised random numbers", NeuroComputing, vol.69, no.13, pp.1706-1710, August 2006. Abstract

  L. Nanni and A. Lumini, "Human authentication featuring signatures and tokenised random number", NeuroComputing, vol.69, no.7-9, pp.858-861, March 2006. Abstract

  D. Maio and L. Nanni, "MultiHashing, human authentication featuring biometrics data and tokenised random number: a case study FVC2004", NeuroComputing, vol.69, pp.242-249, December 2005. Abstract

  M. Ferrara, D. Maltoni and R. Cappelli, "A Simple and Effective Two-Factor Protection Scheme for MCC Fingerprint Templates", Technical Report, Biometric System Lab - University of Bologna, April 2014. Abstract

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