Welcome to BioLab
08/02/2025 23:17
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By author
Antonelli Athos
Baldisserra Denis
Borghi Guido
Brighi Marco
Calderoni Luca
Cappelli Raffaele
Di Domenico Nicolò
Ferrara Matteo
Franco Annalisa
Graffieti Gabriele
Lomonaco Vincenzo
Lumini Alessandra
Magnani Antonio
Maio Dario
Maltoni Davide
Mazzini Lisa
Nanni Loris
Palumbo Luca
Papi Serena
Pellegrini Lorenzo
Turroni Francesco
Please select the publication(s) you are interested in and press the submit button at the end of the page.
Not available
) G. Borghi,
A. Franco
, N. Di Domenico,
M. Ferrara
, U. Latif and
D. Maltoni
"MONOT: High-Quality Privacy-compliant Morphed Synthetic Images for Everyone"
, in proceedings
IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS)
, Rome, Italy, December 2024.
Not available
) M. Dadi,
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Supporting Human Examiners in Facial Image Manipulation Detection"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE24)
, St Albans, London, UK, October 2024.
Not available
) G. Borghi,
A. Franco
, N. Di Domenico,
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"V-MAD: Video-based Morphing Attack Detection in operational scenarios"
, in proceedings
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB24)
, Buffalo, NY, USA, September 2024.
Not available
A. Franco
M. Ferrara
, C. Liu, C. Busch and
D. Maltoni
"On the Impact of Face Image Quality on Morphing Attack Detection"
, in proceedings
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB24)
, Buffalo, NY, USA, September 2024.
Not available
) M. Robledo-Moreno, G. Borghi, N. Di Domenico,
A. Franco
, K. Raja and
D. Maltoni
"Towards Federated Learning for Morphing Attack Detection"
, in proceedings
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB24)
, Buffalo, New York, USA, September 2024.
Not available
) N. Di Domenico, G. Borghi,
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"ONOT: a High-Quality ICAO-compliant Synthetic Mugshot Dataset"
, in proceedings
18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG24)
, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2024.
Not available
) N. Di Domenico, G. Borghi,
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Face Restoration for Morphed Images Retouching"
, in proceedings
12th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 24 (IWBF)
, Enschede, Netherlands, April 2024.
Not available
) N. Di Domenico, G. Borghi,
A. Franco
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"A Framework to Improve the Comparability and Reproducibility of Morphing Attack Detectors"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE)
, pp.525-530, October 2023.
Not available
A. Franco
, F. Løvåsdal and
D. Maltoni
"On the human ability in detecting digitally manipulated face images"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE)
, pp.531-536, October 2023.
Not available
M. Ferrara
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
"Detecting Double-Identity Fingerprint Attacks"
IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science
, vol.5, no.4, pp.476-485, October 2023.
Not available
) G. Borghi, N. Di Domenico,
A. Franco
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Revelio: a Modular and Effective Framework for Reproducible Training and Evaluation of Morphing Attack Detectors"
IEEE Access
, vol.11, pp.120419-120437, October 2023.
Not available
) L. Pellegrini, G. Borghi,
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Detecting Morphing Attacks via Continual Incremental Training"
, in proceedings
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB)
, pp.1-10, September 2023.
Not available
) N. Di Domenico, G. Borghi,
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Combining identity features and artifact analysis for Differential Morphing Attack Detection"
, in proceedings
22nd International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP23)
, Udine, pp.100-111, September 2023.
Not available
) G. Borghi, G. Graffieti,
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Incremental Training of Face Morphing Detectors"
, in proceedings
26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR22)
, Montréal, Québec, pp.914-921, August 2022.
Not available
D. Maltoni
D. Maio
, A.K. Jain and J. Feng,
Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (Third Edition)
, Springer Nature, 2022.
Not available
A. Franco
, A. Magnani,
D. Maltoni
D. Maio
, L. Odorisio and A. De Maria,
"Face image quality assessment in electronic ID documents"
IEEE Access
, pp.77744 - 77758, July 2022.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
and C. Busch,
"Morphing Attack Potential"
, in proceedings
IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF)
, Salzburg, Austria, April 2022.
Not available
) G. Borghi, E. Pancisi,
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"A Double Siamese Framework for Differential Morphing Attack Detection"
, vol.21, no.10, May 2021.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Face morphing detection in the presence of printing/scanning and heterogeneous image sources"
IET Biometrics Special Issue on presentation attacks on biometric systems
, vol.10, no.3, pp.290-303, May 2021.
Not available
) K. Raja,
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
, L. Spreeuwers, I. Batskos, F. De Wit, M. Gomez-Barrero, U. Scherhag, D. Fischer, S. Venkatesh, J. M. Singh, G. Li, L. Bergeron, S. Isadskiy, R. Raghavendra, C. Rathgeb, D. Frings, U. Seidel, F. Knopjes, R.J. Veldhuis,
D. Maltoni
and C. Busch,
"Morphing Attack Detection - Database, Evaluation Platform and Benchmarking"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.16, pp.4336-4351, November 2020.
Not available
) C. Busch, S. Caillebotte, U. Seidel, F. Knopjes,
D. Maltoni
M. Ferrara
, R.J. Veldhuis, L. Spreeuwers, K. Raja, R. Raghavendra, M. Gomez-Barrero and C. Rathgeb,
"Face Morphing Attacks: What needs to be done"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Biometrics for Borders (ICBB)
, October 2019.
Not available
) L. Mazzini,
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Gesture Recognition by Leap Motion Controller and LSTM Networks for CAD-oriented Interfaces"
, in proceedings
20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP19)
, Trento, pp.185-195, September 2019.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Decoupling texture blending and shape warping in face morphing"
, in proceedings
International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)
, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2019.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Face morphing detection in the presence of printing/scanning and heterogeneous image sources"
Technical Report, ArXiv 1901.08811
, January 2019.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Face Demorphing in the Presence of Facial Appearance Variations"
, in proceedings
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
, Rome, Italy, pp.2365-2369, September 2018.
Not available
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Large scale fingerprint recognition accelerated in hardware"
, in Martin Drahanský,
Hand-Based Biometrics: Methods and technology
, IET, 2018.
Not available
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Generating synthetic fingerprints"
, in Martin Drahanský,
Hand-Based Biometrics: Methods and technology
, IET, 2018.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Face Demorphing"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.13, no.4, pp.1008-1017, April 2018.
Not available
) U. Scherhag, A. Nautsch, C. Rathgeb, M. Gomez-Barrero, M. T. Veldhuis, L. Spreeuwers, M. Schils,
D. Maltoni
, P. Grother, S. Marcel, R. Breithauptk, R. Raghavendra and C. Busch,
"Biometric Systems under Morphing Attacks: Assessment of Morphing Techniques and Vulnerability Reporting"
, in proceedings
International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)
, pp.1-7, September 2017.
M. Ferrara
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
"On the Feasibility of Creating Double-Identity Fingerprints"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.12, no.4, pp.892-900, April 2017.
Not available
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
and D. Meuwly,
"Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems: From Fingerprints to Fingermarks"
, in Massimo Tistarelli, Christophe Champod,
Handbook of Biometrics for Forensic Science
, Springer, 2017.
Not available
) S. Papi,
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
and A. Anthonioz,
"On the Generation of Synthetic Fingerprint Alterations"
, in proceedings
International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)
, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2016.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"On the Effects of Image Alterations on Face Recognition Accuracy"
, in Thirimachos Bourlai,
Face Recognition Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum
, Springer, 2016.
Not available
) A. Morales, M.A. Ferrer,
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
, J. Fierrez-Aguilar and J. Ortega-Garcia,
"Synthesis of Large Scale Hand-Shape Databases for Biometric Applications"
Pattern Recognition Letters
, vol.63, pp.183-189, December 2015.
Not available
) S. Buoncompagni,
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
and S. Papi,
"Saliency-based keypoint selection for fast object detection and matching"
Pattern Recognition Letters
, vol.62, pp.32-40, September 2015.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Large-scale fingerprint identification on GPU"
Information Sciences
, vol.306, pp.1-20, June 2015.
Not available
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint Recognition, Overview"
, in Stan Z. Li and Anil K. Jain (Editors),
Encyclopedia of Biometrics (second edition)
, Springer, 2015.
Not available
) A. Morales,
R. Cappelli
, M.A. Ferrer and
D. Maltoni
"Synthesis and Evaluation of High Resolution Hand-Prints"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.9, no.11, pp.1922-1932, November 2014.
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"The Magic Passport"
, in proceedings
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB)
, Clearwater, Florida, USA, pp.1-7, October 2014.
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
"A Two-Factor Protection Scheme for MCC Fingerprint Templates"
, in proceedings
International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)
, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2014.
Not available
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"FICV: a new FVC-onGoing benchmark area on Face Compliance Verification to ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard"
EAB Newsletter
, no.1, pp.15-17, April 2014.
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
"A Simple and Effective Two-Factor Protection Scheme for MCC Fingerprint Templates"
Technical Report, Biometric System Lab - University of Bologna
, April 2014.
Not available
) Y. Sun, M. Tistarelli and
D. Maltoni
"Structural Similarity based image quality map for face recognition across plastic surgery"
, in proceedings
6th International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTASBTAS 2013)
, Washington, DC, pp.1-8, September 2013.
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
and Y. Sun,
"On the Impact of Alterations on Face Photo Recognition Accuracy"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP2013)
, Naples (Italy), vol.8156, pp.743-751, September 2013.
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
"Noninvertible Minutia Cylinder-Code Representation"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.7, no.6, pp.1727-1737, December 2012.
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Face Image Conformance to ISO/ICAO standards in Machine Readable Travel Documents"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.7, no.4, pp.1204-1213, August 2012.
Not available
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Robust Fingerprint Matching using Minutia Cylinder-Code Representation"
IEEE Biometrics Council Newsletter
, vol.3, pp.5, April 2012.
Not available
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
and F. Turroni,
"Fingerprint Enhancement using Contextual Iterative Filtering"
, in proceedings
5th International Conference on Biometrics (ICB2012)
, New Delhi, India, March 2012.
Not available
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Face Recognition in Ambient Intelligence Applications"
, in Paul McCullagh, Juan Carlos Augusto,
Handbook on Ambient Assisted Living for Healthcare, Well-being and Rehabilitation
, vol.11, IOS Press, 2012.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Matching"
, in Liu Chengjun, Mago Vijay Kumar,
Cross Disciplinary Biometric Systems
, Springer, 2012.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
and F. Turroni,
"Fingerprint Verification Competition at IJCB2011"
, in proceedings
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB11)
, Washington DC, October 2011.
Not available
) F. Turroni,
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
"Improving Fingerprint Orientation Extraction"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.6, no.3, pp.1002-1013, September 2011.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint Indexing based on Minutia Cylinder-Code"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.33, no.5, pp.1051-1057, May 2011.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Minutia Cylinder-Code: a new representation and matching technique for fingerprint recognition"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.32, no.12, pp.2128-2141, December 2010.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
and M. Tistarelli,
"MCC: a Baseline Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification in FVC-onGoing"
, in proceedings
11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV)
, Singapore, December 2010.
Not available
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
and L. Nanni,
"Data pre-processing through Reward-Punishment Editing"
Pattern Analysis and Applications
, vol.13, no.4, pp.367-381, November 2010.
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Incremental template updating for face recognition in home environments"
Pattern Recognition
, vol.43, no.8, pp.2891-2903, August 2010.
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
and F. Turroni,
"Benchmarking Local Orientation Extraction in Fingerprint Recognition"
, in proceedings
20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010)
, Istanbul, pp.1144-1147, August 2010.
J. Galbally,
R. Cappelli
A. Lumini
, G. Gonzalez-de-Rivera,
D. Maltoni
, J. Fierrez-Aguilar, J. Ortega-Garcia and
D. Maio
"An Evaluation of Direct Attacks Using Fake Fingers Generated from ISO Templates"
Pattern Recognition Letters
, vol.31, no.8, pp.725-732, June 2010. Award winning papers from the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 19th International Conference in Pattern Recognition (ICPR).
Not available
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
"FVC-onGoing: On-line Evaluation of Fingerprint Recognition Algorithms"
, in proceedings
International Biometric Performance Conference (IBPC2010)
, Gaithersburg, Maryland, March 2010.
D. Maltoni
A. Franco
M. Ferrara
D. Maio
and A. Nardelli,
"Biolab-ICAO: A New Benchmark to Evaluate Applications Assessing Face Image Compliance to ISO/IEC 19794-5 Standard"
, in proceedings
16th International Conference on Image Processing (2009)
, Cairo, pp.41-44, November 2009.
Not available
A. Lumini
, L. Nanni and
D. Maltoni
"Learning in Fingerprints"
, in N. V. Boulgouris and K.N. Plataniotis and E.Micheli-Tzanakou,
Biometrics: theory, methods, and applications
, IEEE/Wiley Press, 2009.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Semi-automatic Enhancement of Very Low Quality Fingerprints"
, in proceedings
6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA09)
, Salzburg, pp.678-683, September 2009.
Not available
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"The Big Brother database: evaluating face recognition in smart home environments"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Biometrics (ICB09)
, pp.142-150, June 2009.
B. Dorizzi,
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
, N. Houmani, S. Garcia-Salicetti and A. Mayoue,
"Fingerprint and On-Line Signature Verification Competitions at ICB 2009"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Biometrics (ICB)
, Alghero, Italy, pp.725-732, June 2009.
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
"On the Spatial Distribution of Fingerprint Singularities"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.31, no.4, pp.742-748, April 2009.
Not available
D. Maltoni
D. Maio
, A.K. Jain and S. Prabhakar,
Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (Second Edition)
, Springer (London), 2009.
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
"Advances in fingerprint modeling"
Image and Vision Computing
, vol.27, no.3, pp.258-268, February 2009.
Not available
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint Recognition, Overview"
, in Stan Li (Editor),
Encyclopedia of Biometrics
, Springer, 2009.
Not available
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Metodo di codifica delle minuzie di una impronta digitale e corrispondente metodo di riconoscimento di impronte digitali"
, Patent N. ITBO2009A000149, 2009.
Not available
) J. Galbally,
R. Cappelli
A. Lumini
D. Maltoni
and J. Fierrez-Aguilar,
"Fake Fingertip Generation from a Minutiae Template"
, in proceedings
19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008)
, Tampa, Florida, USA, pp.1-4, December 2008. IBM Best Student Paper Award.
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"2D Face Recognition based on Supervised Subspace Learning from 3D Models"
Pattern Recognition
, vol.41, no.12, pp.3822-3833, December 2008.
Not available
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
"Fingerprint Recognition"
, in Anil K. Jain, Patrick Flynn, Arun A. Ross,
Handbook of Biometrics
, Springer, 2008.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"On the Operational Quality of Fingerprint Scanners"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.3, no.2, pp.192-202, June 2008.
A. Alessandroni,
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"Definition of Fingerprint Scanner Image Quality Specifications by Operational Quality"
, in proceedings
European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management (BIOID 2008)
, Roskilde, Denmark, pp.29-35, May 2008.
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Evaluating systems assessing face-image compliance with ICAO/ISO standards"
, in proceedings
European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management (BIOID 2008)
, Roskilde, Denmark, pp.191-199, May 2008.
A. Alessandroni,
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
and L Palumbo,
"Evaluating systems assessing face-image compliance with ICAO/ISO standards"
Technical Report, DEIS - University of Bologna
, March 2008.
A. Alessandroni,
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
and L Palumbo,
"Test compliance ICAO su foto del volto in formato Tokenizzabile"
Technical Report, DEIS - University of Bologna
, March 2008.
Not available
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint Synthesis and Spoof Detection"
, in N.K. Ratha, V. Govindaraju,
Advances in Biometrics: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems
, Springer, 2008.
Not available
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"On the Operational Quality of Fingerprint Scanners"
, in proceedings
Second NIST Biometric Quality Workshop
, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2007.
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint scanner focusing estimation by Top Sharpening Index"
, in proceedings
14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP07)
, Modena, Italy, pp.223-228, September 2007.
R. Cappelli
A. Lumini
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint Image Reconstruction from Standard Templates"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.29, no.9, pp.1489-1503, September 2007.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint verification competition 2006"
Biometric Technology Today
, vol.15, no.7-8, pp.7-9, August 2007.
R. Cappelli
A. Lumini
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Evaluating Minutiae Template Vulnerability to Masquerade Attack"
, in proceedings
5th Workshop on Automatic Identification Advances Technologies (AutoID2007)
, Alghero, June 2007.
M. Ferrara
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
"Estimating Image Focusing in Fingerprint Scanners"
, in proceedings
Workshop on Automatic Identification Advances Technologies (AutoID07)
, Alghero, Italy, pp.30-34, June 2007.
R. Cappelli
A. Lumini
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Can Fingerprints be Reconstructed from ISO Templates?"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2006)
, Singapore, pp.191-196, December 2006.
A. Antonelli,
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Fake Finger Detection by Skin Distortion Analysis"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
, vol.1, no.3, pp.360-373, September 2006.
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"The Quality of Fingerprint Scanners and Its Impact on the Accuracy of Fingerprint Recognition Algorithms"
, in proceedings
Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security (MRCS2006)
, Istanbul, pp.10-16, September 2006.
Not available
R. Cappelli
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Guardie e ladri nell'era biometrica"
, no.13, pp.48-53, May 2006.
Not available
R. Cappelli
M. Ferrara
D. Maltoni
"The Quality of Fingerprint Scanners and its Impact on the Accuracy of Fingerprint Recognition Algorithms"
, in proceedings
First NIST Biometric Quality Workshop
, Gaithersburg, Maryland, March 2006.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain,
"Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Systems"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.28, no.1, pp.3-18, January 2006.
D. Baldisserra,
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Fake Fingerprint Detection by Odor Analysis"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA06)
, Hong Kong, January 2006.
A. Antonelli,
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"A new approach to fake finger detection based on skin distortion"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA06)
, Hong Kong, January 2006.
J. Fierrez-Aguilar, L. Nanni, J. Ortega-Garcia,
R. Cappelli
D. Maltoni
"Combining Multiple Matchers for Fingerprint Verification: A Case Study in FVC2004"
, in proceedings
13th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP2005)
, Cagliari, September 2005.
J. Fierrez-Aguilar, L. Nanni, J. Lopez-Penalba, J. Ortega-Garcia and
D. Maltoni
"An On-Line Signature Verification System Based on Fusion of Local and Global Information"
, in proceedings
Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication
, New York, July 2005.
Not available
) J.L. Wayman, A.K. Jain,
D. Maltoni
D. Maio
Biometric Systems - Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
, Springer, 2005.
Not available
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain,
"Technology Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Algorithms"
, in J.L. Wayman, A.K. Jain, D. Maltoni, D. Maio,
Biometric Systems - Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
, Springer, 2005.
Not available
) J.L. Wayman, A.K. Jain,
D. Maltoni
D. Maio
"An Introduction to Biometric Authentication Systems"
, in J.L. Wayman, A.K. Jain, D. Maltoni, D. Maio,
Biometric Systems - Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
, Springer, 2005.
Not available
) A. Antonelli,
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Apparecchio e metodo per discriminare una impronta digitale vera da una impronta digitale artificiale falsa, attraverso l’analisi della distorsione elastica della pelle"
, Patent N. BO2005A000399, 2005.
Not available
) D. Baldisserra,
A. Franco
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Apparecchio e metodo per discriminare una impronta digitale vera da una impronta digitale artificiale attraverso l’analisi dell’odore del dito associato all’impronta digitale da discriminare"
, Patent N. BO2005A000398, 2005.
D. Maltoni
"A Tutorial on Fingerprint Recognition"
, in Massimo Tistarelli, Josef Bigun, Enrico Grosso,
Advanced Studies in Biometrics: Summer School on Biometrics, Alghero, Italy, June 2-6, 2003. Revised Selected Lectures and Papers
, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"An Improved Noise Model for the Generation of Synthetic Fingerprints"
, in proceedings
Eighth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2004)
, Kunming, China, December 2004.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Technology Evaluations of Fingerprint-Based Biometric Systems"
, in proceedings
12th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2004)
, Vienna, Austria, pp.1405-1408, September 2004. Invited paper.
R. Cappelli
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
and L. Nanni,
"Combining Template-based and feature-based face detectors"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP04)
, Marbella, Spain, pp.50-53, September 2004.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain,
"FVC2004: Third Fingerprint Verification Competition"
, in proceedings
International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA04)
, Hong Kong, pp.1-7, July 2004.
Not available
D. Maltoni
"Generation of Synthetic Fingerprint Image Databases"
, in N. Ratha and R. Bolle,
Automatic Fingerprint Recognition Systems
, Springer, 2004.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
and L. Nanni,
"A two-stage fingerprint classification system"
, in proceedings
ACM SIGMM Multimedia Biometrics Methods and Applications Workshop (WBMA03)
, Berkley, pp.95-99, November 2003.
A. Franco
D. Maltoni
and L. Nanni,
"Recognition of faces: a literature survey"
Technical Report, Biometric System Lab - University of Bologna
, June 2003.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Subspace Adaptation for Incremental Face Learning"
, in proceedings
Seventh International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2002)
, Singapore, pp.974-979, December 2002.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Synthetic Fingerprint-Database Generation"
, in proceedings
16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2002)
, Québec City, vol.3, pp.744-747, August 2002.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain,
"FVC2002: Second Fingerprint Verification Competition"
, in proceedings
16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2002)
, Québec City, vol.3, pp.811-814, August 2002.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Subspace classification for face recognition"
, in proceedings
Workshop on Biometric Authentication - ECCV'02 (BIOW2002)
, Copenhagen, pp.133-141, June 2002.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"A Multi-Classifier Approach to Fingerprint Classification"
Pattern Analysis and Applications Special Issue on Fusion of Multiple Classifiers
, vol.5, no.2, pp.136-144, May 2002.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain,
"FVC2000: Fingerprint Verification Competition"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.24, no.3, pp.402-412, March 2002.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Multi-space KL for Pattern Representation and Classification"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.23, no.9, pp.977-996, September 2001.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Modelling Plastic Distortion in Fingerprint Images"
, in proceedings
Second International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR2001)
, Rio de Janeiro, pp.369-376, March 2001.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Indexing Fingerprint Databases for Efficient 1:N Matching"
, in proceedings
Sixth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2000)
, Singapore, December 2000. Invited Paper.
R. Cappelli
, A. Erol,
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Synthetic Fingerprint-image Generation"
, in proceedings
15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2000)
, Barcelona, vol.3, pp.475-478, September 2000.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
R. Cappelli
, J.L. Wayman and A.K. Jain,
"FVC2000: Fingerprint Verification Competition"
Technical Report, DEIS - University of Bologna
, September 2000.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Real-Time Face Location on Gray-Scale Static Images"
Pattern Recognition
, vol.33, no.9, pp.1525-1539, September 2000.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Combining Fingerprint Classifiers"
, in proceedings
First International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS2000)
, Cagliari, pp.351-361, June 2000.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint Classification based on Multi-space KL"
, in proceedings
Workshop on Automatic Identification Advances Technologies (AutoID'99)
, Summit (NJ), pp.117-120, October 1999.
A. Lumini
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Inexact Graph Matching for Fingerprint Classification"
Machine GRAPHICS & VISION Special Issue on Graph Trasformations in Pattern Generation and CAD
, vol.8, no.2, pp.231-248, September 1999.
R. Cappelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Similarity Search using Multi-space KL"
, in proceedings
International Workshop on Similarity Search - DEXA'99 (IWOSS'99)
, Florence (Italy), pp.155-160, August 1999.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"A secure protocol for electronic commerce based on fingerprints and encryption"
, in proceedings
, Orlando (Florida), vol.4, pp.519-525, August 1999.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Minutiae extraction and filtering from gray-scale images"
, in L.C. Jain, U. Halici, I. Hayashi, S.B. Lee,
Intelligent Biometric Techniques in Fingerprint & Face Recognition
, CRC Press, 1999.
R. Cappelli
A. Lumini
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Fingerprint Classification by Directional Image Partitioning"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.21, no.5, pp.402-421, May 1999.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Neural Network Based Minutiae Filtering in Fingerprints"
, in proceedings
14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
, Brisbane (Australia), pp.1654-1658, August 1998.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Ridge-Line Density Estimation in Digital Images"
, in proceedings
14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
, Brisbane (Australia), pp.534-538, August 1998.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Fast Face Location in Complex Backgrounds"
, in H. Wechsler et. al.,
Face Recognition from Theory to Applications
, Nato Asi Series, Springer Verlag, 1998.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Localizzazione del Volto in Tempo Reale Mediante Ricerca su Immagini Direzionali"
, in proceedings
, Ferrara (Italy), April 1998.
A. Lumini
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Continuous vs Exclusive Classification for Fingerprint Retrieval"
Pattern Recognition Letters
, vol.18, no.10, pp.1027-1034, October 1997.
M. Golfarelli
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"On The Error-Reject tradeoff in Biometric Verification Systems"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.19, no.7, pp.786-796, July 1997.
A. Lumini
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Strategie per il retrieval di impronte digitali"
, in proceedings
Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD97)
, Verona (Italy), pp.47-66, June 1997.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"Direct Gray-Scale Minutiae Detection in Fingerprints"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence
, vol.19, no.1, pp.27-40, 1997.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"A Structural Approach to Fingerprint Classification"
, in proceedings
13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
, Vienna, pp.578-585, August 1996.
D. Maio
D. Maltoni
"An efficient approach to on-line fingerprint verification"
, in proceedings
VIII International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
, Mexico, pp.132-138, October 1995.
Not available
) G. Borghi,
A. Franco
, N. Di Domenico and
D. Maltoni
"TONO: a Synthetic Dataset for Face Image Compliance to ISO/ICAO Standard"
, to appear on proceedings
Workshop on Synthetic Data for Computer Vision
, September 2024.
Copyright © 2025 Biometric System Laboratory